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NATIONAL FLAG: the national flag was originally used in the unsuccessful nationalistic uprising against Austrian rule in 1848. The tricolour design, supposedly inspired by the French Revolution, embodies the Hungarian national colours which date back to the reign of King Matthias II in 1608: red symbolizes strength, white faithfulness and green hope. The national flag was adopted under the constitution of the Republic of Hungary (Magyar Köztársaság), established in October 1989, after the peaceful demise of Communist rule

NATIONAL ANTHEM:  (now playing)  music composed in 1844 by Ferenc Erkel. The lugubrious words, from a patriotic poem written by Ferenc Kölcsey dwelling on the country's historical misfortunes, seem to embody the Hungarian character

"God bless the Hungarians,
With plenty and good cheer;
Stretch a protecting arm over them
When they battle with their enemies.
Long torn by adversity,
Bring them years of joy;
These people have already atoned
For the past and the future"

CURRENCY: the country's national currency is the Hungarian Forint (abbreviated to HUF), with current exchange rates around 340 Forints to the Pound Sterling 

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