Photos from Week 2                       Return to News Page

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Mycenae village: the lane leading to the village is lined with Eucalyptus trees. The archaeological site is a further 2 kms beyond the village, surrounded by barren limestone hills. Driving up the lane to the campsite in the village never ceases to thrill.

Argos market: Wednesday is market day in our nearest main town, Argos. So much to do and see, as well as stocking up with vegetables for the week. Here's Sheila arguing the price of olives, or was it the stall-holder offering the chance to try them before we bought?

The Lion Gate at the citadel of Mycenae 'rich in gold' (as Homer's Iliad described it) and site of the palace of King Agamemnon. The name comes from the carved relief of 2 lions over the lintel. The hill-top fortress had stood since around 1,650 BC

Easter Sunday: the traditional lamb spit-roasting, which brings a welcome end to the meat-less Lenten fast. The lady on the right is Angeliki, the campsite owner who had insisted we join her family's Easter celebrations - such wonderful hospitality